How well do your elected Councillors represent you?

Councillor Peter Harle JP

Peter Harle JP

Several Liverpool City Councillors are candidates at the NSW State election for March 25 this year, voters may wish to check their involvement as Councillors on Liverpool City Council over the past 5 years. (2016-2021)

Liverpool City Councils’ Annual Report shows Councillors attendance at essential Council Meetings and related briefing sessions. Councillors are expected to attend all 12 annual Council Meetings.

Briefing sessions, related to each meeting, are important to Councillors in order to make sound and informed decisions affecting residents and ratepayers of Liverpool.

Councillors are expected to be members of committees, these deal with important operational, and Governance matters, all Councillors can attend these meetings.

The information in the report from Council’s website link below, shows each Councillors involvement including membership of committees and attendances at those meetings.

Most Councillors are members of several committees, depending on their particular interest and expertise.

Below is the link to the information that was provided in the Council Addendum for the 30th of June 2021 Council meeting and is on the Council website.  The details are on Page 919-930.

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