Pauline Rowe is our South Ward Candidate. Please visit Pauline’s page, for more information see our campaign brochure links below.
Peter Harle is our North Ward Candidate. Please visit Peter’s Bio for more information.
Peter Harle 2012 Meet-the-Candidates Brochure
June Young OAM is our Candidate for Mayor and South Ward. Please visit June’s page for more information see our campaign brochure links below.
Junes‘ Meet Your Councillor Candidate – Brochure.
Our 2012 “How to Vote” LGA brochures:
Refer to this link for the 2012 election results.
A very special thank you to all of you that volunteered your time and efforts to ensure that the voters knew of our candidates. It goes without saying that if it wasn’t for your dedicated efforts it would not have been possible to man the many booths in both wards. It is also a testament of your efforts that our Team has one member re-elected to Council, despite the concentrated efforts of opposing political parties and Independents.
We will be discussing the results of the election at our next scheduled General Meeting on Wednesday 26th September, I hope to see many of you there in order to thank you personally for your enormously appreciated efforts.
Peter Harle
Meet Your Councillor Candidates Bus Tour;
Dear Editor, (Liverpool Champion)
Nine Candidates for Liverpool Council elections on 8th September travelled with 4 volunteers on a Pacific Shuttle Services (of Moorebank 9730 0298) 20 seater bus which had been loaned free of charge as a community service. (fuel money was donated).
The objective of this tour was to see ‘the Good, the Bad and the Ugly’ of Liverpool and survey what is the reality of conditions in this vast area. And the Candidates saw it all.
‘Good’ was awarded to the vastly improved look around Casula Powerhouse, except for the tanks which are horribly tagged by graffiti vandals, the parks and playgrounds of the Chipping Norton Lakes areas and miles of new bike tracks which sadly did not seem to be in use, even though very well laid out.
Listed as ‘Bad’ would be the location selected for an Intermodal terminal when other places would be very much less invasive on residents who trustingly paid big money for homes, poorly maintained roads in the rural sector and the diabolically poor location of another school in Hoxton Park where roads are so narrow even residents can’t park opposite their neighbours.
‘Ugly’ certainly applied to the Nace recycling site at Prestons where even on a still day clouds of dust swirled around whenever a vehicle moved, and the rubbish in Bedwell Park (which is better than it was) at Horningsea Park.
Candidates all had produced leaflets which detailed achievements as well as visions for Liverpool, to hand to shoppers.
John Anderson, Independent, South Ward, said: ”We had the opportunity to stop at two shopping centres at Casula Mall and Carnes Hill to talk to residents on matters which concerned them. All candidates had very good knowledge of the many areas from the inner suburbs to the rural”
Pauline Rowe, Independent, South Ward, the number one on LCIT support group, commented: “The sheer size of Liverpool cannot be appreciated looking at a map-you need to get out and about. There are some wonderful areas such as Black Muscat Park, but some areas are in need of repair. To summarise, Liverpool is large, diverse and growing”
Gary Lucas, North Ward and running for Mayor and Councillor and already a seasoned Councillor, noted: “The trip made us more aware of residents needs in roads, parks and transport. He was not impressed by the Liberal and Labor no-shows”
Candidates agreed that the only way to make decisions about the plans and developments in Liverpool is to get out and have a look in addition to hearing the views and determinations of Council committees. The role of a Councillor in Liverpool demands very hard work and there is little reward other than the satisfaction of making a difference to Liverpool.
Thank you to all Candidates who have attended our two meetings and travelled on the bus during July and very best of luck in the elections on 8th September 2012.
Ian Bailey Resident Liverpool.
Thanks Ian for the enormous effort you and your fellow members, Robert, Frank and bus driver Michael put in to make the “Meet Your Councillor Candidates” venues a success. Thanks also to Pacific Shuttle Services of Moorebank for making the 20 seater bus available to tour the “Good, Bad and Ugly of Liverpool, it’s very much appreciated.
Dear Editor (Liverpool Champion)
Two forums have now been held as reported in The Champion on the 4th July and the 18th July.
Titled “Meet Your Council Candidates” the meetings followed a style established in 2008 when a brand new Council waited to be elected following 4 years of Administration and years of Councillor nonsense which resulted in the Council being sacked.
While there was an air of relief and anticipation at that time raising everyone’s hopes for a better future for Liverpool, few Candidates and even fewer voters knew what would happen.
For one thing there were an enormous number of Candidates-more than 55 from memory-which made it difficult for voters to decide. Even so a balanced group of eager Councillors was the result.
Most of these Councillors have worked hard to provide some reform to the basics of rates, roads and rubbish but were often distracted by major events like a fire which destroyed the Council chambers, the resignation of a General Manager and the need to guide Liverpool through its Bi-centenary on a shoe-string budget. Very little help was provided by the one person who could have been a tower, the member for Liverpool Mr Paul Lynch.
Which brings us to this period of Candidate’s bid for votes on 8th September. On the 2nd July, 8 Candidates spoke at the Moorebank Sports Club followed by 12 on Monday 16th, four who had not spoken previously. What was extraordinary was that, amongst the 12 people addressing the audience FIVE Councillors spoke and in great detail outlined what was needed from 2008 on and what has been achieved by 2012.
The confidence with which Candidates spoke was outstanding; the detailed list of achievements nothing but impressive, and to us, even the vigorous debate at times was honest and searching, which means ‘healthy’ and in the best interests of the Ratepayers.
Therefore, with similar Council of 11 taking the seats after 8th September, and given a bit of uninterrupted time to work at the issues, we can confidently look forward to a Liverpool which finds direction and purpose as well as growth.
Those of us who worked behind the scenes to bring Candidates to the microphone,-and thanks to all who helped-are stoked with the prospect of a great team of Councillors for the 2012-2016 term! Good luck to you all and thank you for your hard work to date.
Ian Bailey,
Coordinator, Meet Your Council Candidates.