June Young – Bio


June Young OAM
Mayoral Candidate – 2012

I have been a permanent resident of the Liverpool area for the past 37 years, living at Moorebank for 24 years and then moving to Casula for the past 13 years.  I am married to Kenneth Young for the past 51 years and we have three adult children, and 5 grandchildren.

Previously, Ken and I have lived in many places due to his service in the Royal Australian Engineers.  We have lived in Brisbane, Sydney, Darwin, Puckapunyal, and Popendetta, New Guinea.  


I was born at Manly, NSW and went through all my schooling at Manly Domestic Science School, and on leaving school commenced work as a private secretary at the MLC Insurance Company in Martin Place, until I married. 

During my time travelling with the Army, I held many positions commencing with the Australian Wheelchair Association (while Ken was in Vietnam), Secretary to the Area Military  Commander in Darwin, Manager of a Chinese Trade Store in Popendetta (also importing Australian products for sale in the business as no such items were available). 

On return to Puckapunyal I managed the Australian Canteens Store for 6 years, as well as running the Craft Centre for 6 years in the evenings.   This was a thriving business with all profits being fed back to the community.

When we were posted back to Hammondville, I commenced work as a Secretary/Accountant with Morrie Muller Motors, in Moorebank for the next two years.


After my husband Ken retired from the Army, and joined Fairfield Council as the Roads and Traffic Engineer, I opened my own business in Liverpool – Stage Struck Ballet Boutique, to later be known as Stage Struck (Australia) Pty Ltd. 

This business went on to become one of the largest independent retail and manufacturing theatrical business in Australia. 

The business was opened at the top end of Liverpool, next to Liverpool Primary School, and then later moved to the outside of Westfield’s in Elizabeth Drive.

I obtained my Business Management Certificate from Liverpool TAFE. During this time I was a member of the Retail Traders Association and did many management and financial courses.  My involvement with the Artistic Companies both in Liverpool and Australia wide allowed me great opportunities to promote local talent and compere and adjudicate in many areas of dance, physical culture, music and all areas of artistic achievement.  To this day I am still involved with many dance and cultural associations in Liverpool and beyond.



  • Governor of the 35th District of Quota International, an area comprising 10 clubs from as far south as Narooma and out west to Broken Hill.
  • South Pacific Area Director of Quota International in Washington DC, USA as a Board Member encompassing Fiji, New Zealand and all of Australia World Service Chair.
  • Travelled to India to help open the second stage of the Quota Home for disadvantaged Women, along with travelling to the Philippines, on two occasions to work with the welfare projects there.
  • Parliamentarian at a number of District Conferences.


  • Rotary Club of Liverpool Macquarie, – Implemented the Liverpool Police Officer of the Year Presentation.
  • Chair of the Combined Rotary Police Officer of the Year, for the past 13 years,
  • Secretary of Combined Rotary.
  • President and Secretary Rotary Club of Liverpool Greenway.
  • Secretary to Rotary District Level.
  • Mentors and Camp Parents along with  Co-ordinator of a Mental Health Forum (Liverpool).
  • Co-ordinator of the Broken Hill Drought Relief Dinner.
  • Treasurer of the Rotary RYPEN Committee, for 7 years.
  • Organiser of the Combined Liverpool Rotary Queensland Flood Appeal.
  • Organiser of the Liverpool Combined Service Club dinner for the past 6 years.
  • District 9690 Rotary, Chair of the Vocational Committee  for 2 years and currently District Chair of Service.
  • Assisted to co-ordinate the Chamber of Commerce/Rotary Race Day at Warwick Farm raising $25,500 for the Eggtober Foundation at Liverpool Hospital.


  • Member and Secretary of the Liverpool Chamber of Commerce for over 20 years


As my husband Ken was brought up in a Legacy home, this organisation has been the most  important part of our lives.

  • First member to become a female member of the foundation and Legatee.
  • President of Liverpool Legacy Widows Club, for a number of years and currently social secretary.
  • Treasurer of South Western Division of Sydney Legacy, for the past 9 years.


This is another organisation that plays an important part in my life and I am Involved in all Military Associations along with my husband:

  • Member of the Museum Committee,
  • Member of the RSL Women’s Auxiliary
  • Patron of the RSL Youth Club,
  • President of the Fairfield RSL Memorial Club Women’s Auxiliary for the past 4 years.
  • The Totally and Permanently Disabled Association,
  • The Vietnam Veterans Association
  • The NSW and Queensland Sappers Association
  • The School of Military Engineering Heritage Committee
  • Sunset Station Singers (previously Vietnam Veterans Choir)


  • JUSTIC OF THE PEACE ORGANISATION – Justice of the Peace for over 30 years
  • NSW NATIONAL COUNCIL OF WOMEN -Member for the past 5 years and Guest Speaker on numerous occasions to CWA, PASSWA
  • ORDER OF AUSTRALIA – Association Member
  • CANCER COUNCIL– CHAIRPERSON Liverpool/Fairfield Walk for Life – 1 year
  • LIVERPOOL SHEPPARD CENTRE– Assistant Fundraiser Co-Ordinator for 2 years
  • MIRACLE BABIES – Volunteer playgroups – Assisting with planning and presentations at events
  • LIVERPOOL COMMUNITY INDEPENDENTS TEAM – Member and Mayoral Candidate representative.
  • LIVERPOOL YOUTH NEEDS COMMITTEE – Treasurer for 6 years.


Over many years I have been able to serve on committees at Liverpool Council.  I have been fortunate to also have gained my training in Quality Management through the council, as in previous years Council was very involved in bringing Business Leaders up to date with all the latest courses in Management.

The committees I have served on over the years are as follows:

  • Liverpool Youth Needs Committee – Treasurer –
  • Economic Development Unity.
  • Member of the GROW Committee.
  • Member of the Heritage Awards Committee.
  • Member of the Liverpool Business Awards Committee.
  • Community Representative on the Community and Recreational Committee for 9 years
  • Planning committees for the Growing of Liverpool over the next 12 , and 20 years.
  • Member of the Mall Committee.
  • Member of the CBD Committee.
  • Member Tourism Committee.

Being both extensively involved in not just business operations in Liverpool and abroad, I have extensive involvement in many community groups.

I personally believe I have the knowledge and experience to make professional and rational decisions not just a Councillor candidate but also a Mayoral Candidate on behalf of Liverpool Council.

Some of the major issues I see at the forefront are:

  • I am totally opposed to the proposed Freight Intermodal Terminal for both the Military District and the surrounding residents of Moorebank and Wattle Grove.
  • I would advocate for the reintroduction of a Tourist Information Centre at the Liverpool Museum Site.
  • I would advocate for a major planning programme for the new growth areas of Leppington, Austral to include a University Campus and major sporting venue.
  • I believe that Council should invest in Business and Investment Portfolios (such as the current Council premises) with the income being used to aid the  infrastructure for the increasing population of Liverpool.
  • I would advocate the restoration of roads and drainage within the CBD and Regional Areas.
  • Most importantly I would be a full time Mayor and Councillor working for the Community


  • 1993  WOMEN OF ACHIEVEMENT AWARD’CombinedService Clubs – For outstanding service to the community.
  • 1993  (CLO) – CITY OF LIVERPOOL HERITAGE AWARDCOMPANION OF THE ORDER OF LIVERPOOL – For Service to Business and the Liverpool Community
  • 2000  PAUL HARRIS FELLOW AWARD  –  ROTARY INTERNATIONAL – For Service to the Community
  • 2005  WANDA FREY JOINER FOUNDER. Awarded by Friends and Members of District 35 Quota International.
  • 2005  SAPHIRE PAUL HARRIS FELLOW AWARDROTARY INTERNATIONAL – For continued service to the community.
  • 2006  LIVERPOOL CITIZEN OF THE YEAR – AUSTRALIA DAY COUNCIL For service to the Liverpool Local Government area, Quota, Rotary, and community events.
  • 2010 HUGHES AWARD FOR SERVICE TO THE COMMUNITY QUOTA & ROTARY (Nominated by Mrs. Dana Vale MP Member for Hughes)
  • 2010 FEDERAL VOLUNTEER AWARD FROM FEDERAL PARLIAMENT Service to the Community through Quota and Greenway Rotary (Nominated by Mrs. Danna Vale MP, Member for Hughes)
  • 2011 ORDER OF AUSTRALIA MEDAL (OAM)For “Service to the community through a range of Women’s, local government, business and ex-service organizations”.