Liverpool City Council Elections 2012


All residents must vote in their Local Government Council elections if:

  • They are 18 years and over
  • They are Australian citizens
  • They have lived in the area for at least three months

People who own property in the area can vote in the council elections even if they live somewhere else, provided that they have told the council in advance they want to vote.

Make sure that you are enrolled to vote, if you are unsure if you are enrolled, or you want to enroll for the first time please check here; Check my enrollment

If you consider the possibility of becoming a candidate for the 2016 election please review  Factsheet-for-Local-Government-Councillor.

Liverpool City covers an area of 305.4 square kilometres. Liverpool City Council governs 38 suburbs from Greendale in the west to Hammondville in the east.  For a detailed map of the Liverpool local government area (LGA) please refer to the links below.


Useful Websites;

Liverpool City Council –
Department of Local Government –
NSW Electoral Commission –