Intermodal Information Meeting with Senator Eric Abetz
12th of November 2014
Senator The Hon Eric Abetz
Leader of the Government in the Senate
Minister for Employment
Minister Assisting the Prime Minister for the Public Service
Dear Senator Abetz,
Thanks very much for speaking with me yesterday at Wattle Grove. Here are the particulars that I promised – email to NSW MPs, as below, and submission, enclosed.
To summarise, a container terminal at the Port of Newcastle would pay for a rail freight bypass of Sydney by railing containers and general freight. This would allow 100 per cent of the Sydney rail network to carry passengers by removing all freight. Sydney Airport’s short parallel runway would be extended to 4000 metres by relocating displaced facilities to the Port Botany container terminal site, which would be used for airport purposes.
While building an intermodal terminal at Badgery’s Creek, the rail freight line would be built between Glenfield and Badgery’s Creek to receive containers from Port Botany until the rail freight bypass from Newcastle was completed in around 10 years. The Moorebank land would be used for a better return to residents and taxpayers, as proposed by Liverpool City Council.
The ACCC said that the hidden provisions in leasing arrangements for Port Botany and Port of Newcastle may be unlawful and could be unenforceable.
The solution, which I have communicated to all of the parties, is the relocation of container terminal operations from Botany to Newcastle. The investors are able to improve their net returns by participating in the railway line and terminal projects and the two government benefits by achieving superior employment outcomes through planned economic development in outer western Sydney and regional NSW.
Container trucks would be removed from Sydney’s roads to be replaced by lighter trucks that would distribute goods between warehouses at Badgery’s Creek and destinations throughout Sydney.
The program benefits all Australians and requires no funds from government. Government participation is sought in relation to the process of acquiring land for the bypass corridor and in allowing the Badgery’s Creek buffer zone land to be used for an intermodal terminal.
Greg Cameron
Florey ACT 2615
Mr Craig Kelly MP
Ms Melanie Gibbons MP
Cr Ned Mannoun
Cr Peter Harle
Note: This meeting was organised by the Federal Member for Hughes; MP Craig Kelly.
Media Coverage here:
Liverpool City Councils’ campaign to move the Intermodals to Badgerys Creek Airport site:
Business case Document here:
Badgerys Creek – The Ideal Location for an Intermodal
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