Petition/Submission opposing selling off Council Assets as listed in the Liverpool City Council Budget of 2024-2025.

Cllr Peter Harle JP

Cllr Peter Harle JP

Liverpool City Council is proposing to sell two significant income producing properties as listed in the proposed Budget Papers’ Long Term Financial Plan in Section 23. Info here:

The first is the sale of 3 Hoxton Park Road. It currently generates an income by leasing the property with an annual return of more than $200k and apart from its long-term property value increase.
It is currently occupied by the State Emergency Services (SES) and are likely to remain as tenants for the foreseeable future.
The land also forms an essential component of the Woodward Park Recreational Precinct Masterplan. It envisions this area as a major Recreational Park for future generations.

Council received a $42m grant to build substantial water features at the rear of the Whitlam Centre and Brickmakers Creek, which is part of the land at 3 Hoxton Park Road Liverpool. Hence it cannot be sold without major detrimental effects on the project and likely prevent the project going ahead at all.

The second is the sale of 33 Moore Street, the previous Administration Centre valued at around $70m and partially leased to the University of Wollongong which intends to lease the whole of the building generating an income of around $10m p.a., it also includes the lease of the old Library.

The income from leasing this property formed the financial basis for repaying the loan used to build Civic Place at 50 Scott Street. Without the income from 33 Moore Street, Council would need to find an additional $10m p.a. to pay back the loan and possibly affect ratepayers’ services.
The proposal is a questionable financial decision and places Council into future deficits as shown in the Long-term Financial Plan.

Selling substantial income producing assets is not only a financial disaster it is not in the best interests of ratepayers and the community and could lead to considerable increased Council rates.

To protect all Liverpool ratepayers, please sign this petition opposing the sale of 3 Hoxton Park Road Liverpool and 33 Moore Street Liverpool .

Submissions should be made in writing with the reference 2024/1883 and addressed to: The Chief Executive Officer, Liverpool City Council, Locked Bag 7064, Liverpool BC, NSW 1871 or mail

Note: Submissions close 5pm, Tuesday 11 June 2024.

A printable petition – submission is available for downloading here: Budget Submission 2024-25

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