Mobile Speed Cameras on local roads?

Liverpool City Council spends millions of dollars every year retrofitting speed humps and roundabouts to reduce speed related issues, often at significant disadvantages to the vast majority of law-abiding road users.

Councillor Harle, has on numerous occasions, suggested to Councils’ Traffic Committee that local roads should not be obstacle courses consisting of chicanes and speed humps, instead, Transport for NSW should include Mobile Speed Cameras on urban roads with obvious speed related issues.
Similarly, the previous Member for Holsworthy, MP Melanie Gibbons, also supported Cllr Harles’ suggestion, it led to residents being able to have local roads monitored.

It appears the Mayor and his pro Liberal supporting “Independent” Councillor plagiarised LCIT Cllr Harles’ efforts by advocating that Liverpool Council operate Mobile Speed Cameras. However, that is highly unlikely as it is the sole responsibility of Transport for NSW.

It begs the question of what ever happened to getting back to basics? Council currently has an enormous backlog of compliance issues, illegal dumping and Development Applications to name a few.  But despite these problems, the Mayor ignores the fact that this is not his decision to make but that of Council.

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