Hi Everyone,

Pauline Rowe
Secretary of LCIT
Well it has been an interesting month in local government over the past month with lots of changes occurring in just the past week. As you probably all know we have a new CEO of Liverpool City Council and as always with any new management come changes.
The new CEO has initiated a restructure within Council and has removed several layers of management, as a result of the restructure there have been several positions made redundant and a few managers left already with a couple more to go. I am personally saddened by the news of several of the managers that have gone and are going. One of those levels of management is Nadia’s position, and I personally feel this will be a great loss to Council and the whole community. Nadia has made a great contribution in the past 12 months, having the experience of not only a resident but also as a serving Councillor she had good solid knowledge of Council and its procedures along with vast legal experience and I think it will be extremely difficult to replace her in that role. It has taken years to build a rapport with a lot of these people and I now find we have a lot of new staff who are not as experienced as their predecessors and the Council itself seems to be very disjointed, disorganised and staff morale is at its lowest. To make Liverpool the regional city it hopes to be there is a need to get its house back in order and I hope that this can be achieved sooner rather than later.
Now to the Councillors, as has been the case over the past few months there seems to be a growing dissension amongst Councillors even within their own party and this is being reflected during Council meetings. All this might mean nothing to residents who don’t attend the meetings but from my perspective it is turning Council meetings into a point scoring political arena and the welfare of Liverpool and its residents seems to be getting lost in the battle. All I can say is thank god for Peter‘s contributions as a true independent as he puts the views of the residents and the community first and foremost as was demonstrated at the last meeting. Peter has also been getting his fair share of print media coverage in respect to some contentious Council dealings, so I urge you all to either watch out for his articles in the press or keep a look out on the internet.
To finish on a good note, LCIT is celebrating its 20th Anniversary this year and thanks to Ian Bailey for achieving press media coverage for our group. I have attached a copy of the media article for those who missed it: Liverpool Leader Article 23rd July 2014
Look forward to catching up with all at the meeting.
Kind Regards