Council Meeting 31st July 2013

Clr Peter Harle JP

Councillor Peter Harle JP

Highlights; as presented to the LCIT Meeting Monday 5th of August 2013.

The full agenda of the Council meeting can be obtained in various PDF files from here:


  • The issue of the evening that interested most of the audience was that of the proposed Dan Murphy’s Liquor store Development Application (DA-1589/2012) for 101 Nuwarra Road Moorebank.

Council Meeting Agenda Item Addendum here:

At the Independent Hearing Assessment Panel (IHAP) meeting, several residents expressed their concerns regarding the proposed liquor outlet and the problems associated with it. Issues raised included a traffic study that in their opinion did not adequately address safe access and egress from the proposed site. Other issues included the already large number of competing outlets, their social impact and the close proximity of a public school immediately behind the proposed site.

At the Council meeting several speakers, including a trauma surgeon, raised issues of alcoholism, its impact on communities and the correlation to increasing numbers of liquor outlets in the area. Several speakers also spoke of the problems of increased traffic and proposed remedial action of a trial period that could place people’s lives at risk.

Councillors voted to reject the development application, much to the delight of the audience. Personally, I had intended to move to defer the application subject to obtaining additional information; however matters that needed clarification were addressed and consequently convinced me to reject the application.

  • Councillor Anne Stanley raised the issue of Advertising Signs mounted on trailers parked in prominent positions at major intersections and their possible impact on road safety. Unfortunately it is an issue that Council has little control over, unless trailers are parked on Council property, it is a matter for the State Governments’ Roads and Maritime Services (RMS). Councillor Stanley included my concerns, regarding large boat trailers and caravans parked in narrow streets, as part of her motion. Council will write to the State Government requesting that this matter be addressed as soon as possible.
  • The Mayor sought and gained additional powers to address the issue of compulsory  acquisition (by the Federal Government) of the Georges River foreshore land, near the Casula Powerhouse Arts Centre (CPAC), for dual freight rail bridges to access the proposed Moorebank Intermodals. That acquisition, apparently also supported by the State Government, would render the most valuable land along the Georges River useless as a recreational area and severely affect the viability of the CPAC. Council had set aside almost $5M for the development of that parkland as a major recreational area and as part of its future directions of the “City by the River” program. Readers may be interested in the report to Council by the No-Intermodal Committee. Refer page 232 of:
  • The detailed report of Public Address Systems and excessive noise in recreational areas was presented to Council. I had raised concerns of this issue several times over the last four years and sought to address it by way of Notices of Motion. Unfortunately it appeared that previous Councils tended to place this issue “in the too hard basket”. Hopefully it is resolved, I have the CEO’s assurance that Council will ensure that resident’s concerns will be fully addressed. Report here on page 160:
  • Advertising costs of the Mayoral message in ethnic papers; I opposed this on the basis that it has never been part of any previous Councils budget. It is of questionable purpose and appears to promote the Mayor to the ethnic community at a considerable cost. This new development has political overtones subsidised by the majority of ratepayers that will not make use of it. In my humble opinion there are far more important issues than promoting the personal standing of the Mayor in various ethnic languages. Neither does it encourage people to assimilate nor provide incentives to learn English as millions of Australians have done for many decades, myself included. Refer to page 96 of:
  • Refurbishment of the Miller Community Centre. Councillors unanimously approved $50,400 for the refurbishment of the old Miller Library building for use as a multi-purpose community facility, a worthwhile addition to the Miller community. The building had previously been used as a Library, but due to safety concerns it was closed and the library moved to new facilities within the Miller Shopping complex. Refer to page 115 of:

The full agenda of the Council meeting can be obtained in various PDF files from here:

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