Summary prepared for Liverpool Community Independents Team meeting 3rd of June 2013.
1) Mayoral Minutes;
a) Tender for CCTV withdrawn subject to further analysis to include public Wi-Fi internet access.
b) Underutilised Council Properties. Council to investigate the use of the Roller skating Rink to be used by community groups and or disability services related organisation.
c) The School of Arts property on Macquarie Street for a commercial use in keeping with the designation of Macquarie Street as a food and restaurant destination.
d) George Street Bollywood Film Festival; Council is investigating community events and festivals.
e) Interfaith Dinners, two to be held each year to celebrate Multiculturalism.
2) Notice of Motions.
a) Public Address System. That motion is to deal with the ongoing problem of Public Address Systems in Council controlled recreational areas and in particular Black Muscat Park in Chipping Norton. The park is regularly taken over by large groups of visitors to the area that use PA systems resulting in unacceptable noise to neighbouring residential areas as well as to visitors in adjoining parks. Rangers are to patrol the area early on known problem days and times and prevent the setting up of PA systems. Council to investigate long term solutions to the problem including reducing the amount of rubbish and litter left behind. Possibly introduce fees or deposit for large groups of users.
b) Midnight Basketball Program. Council is to investigate setting up a Midnight Basketball program to provide opportunities for young people. Allocated $80k (of unspent quarterly budget) to program and investigate alternative funding sources. Similar programs operate successfully in Blacktown.
c) Men’s Sheds. Council is to investigate means of providing a Men’s Shed. Council has already investigated such plans and intends to provide around $80k for the program. Council assisted the Salvation Army in securing funding for $105k for a Peoples Shed. The NSW Government through its Community Building Partnership Program provides grant funding. Residents of Busby and Moorebank have shown interests in People’s Shed Social Enterprise Hubs.
d) Donation to Ovarian Cancer Research Foundation. Council to donate $1k to support the Ovarian Cancer Trivia Night.
3) Report on the Future Directions For NSW Local Government.
a) Contains information for the amalgamation of Councils and the creation of three major cities, Sydney, Parramatta and Liverpool.
4) Referendum for Constitutional Reform. Council’s recommendation is to support the Federal Governments recommendation. I will not be supporting it, there are many dangers associated with giving Federal Politicians indirect control of Local Government. This has been attempted twice before, once by the Whitlam Government in May 1974 and again by the Hawke Government in 1988. In my view, there is no advantage in the proposed change. The reason given that the Federal Government is not able to fund Local Government is incorrect. Local Government has received $2.2 Billion during 2012-2013. The Federal Government is able to fund Local Government as per the constitution via s96 but it has to do so via the State Government, that has been so since the 1920s. For further information and differing points of view follow these links.
6) Sporting Grants Allocation:
a) $30k per year, $5k reserved for disability sports.
7) Review Code of Conduct.
a) Amendments to clauses; 57, 58 and 75. Allows Council meetings to be held at venues other than Council Chambers and regard to the guidelines issued by the Division of Local Government.
8) Classifications of land at Hoxton Park Road for drainage and open space requirements.
9) Acquisition of property in Denham Court for drainage easement.
10) Reclassification, rezoning and disposal of property to the Moorebank Sports Club.
11) Requests for reduction in Council fees and charges by Rosebank Child Sexual Abuse Services.
12) Request for Access License over Council property at lot 6 Sirius Road Voyager Point. I pushed for deferment of this issue until further investigations have been carried out.
13) Acquisition of part of property from Department of Defence at Heathcote Road Holsworthy for use as public road.
14) Moorebank Voluntary Acquisition Scheme. Council to purchase property at 38 Newbridge Road Chipping Norton to be demolished and the area returned to recreational use.
15) Land swap between Council and a Business Consortium to allow the establishment of a Major Super Clinic and future expansion/building a private maternity hospital, all subject to a DA. The properties involved are on the corner of Moore and Bigge Streets (in front of TAFE) and Speed Street Liverpool.
16) Works-in-kind (WIK) tender for development works to properties on Hoxton Park Road and Government Road in Hinchinbrook. The total value of these works is $668,644.
17) Rural Lands Study – Deferred to next Council meeting due to unresolved zoning issues, to be addressed with community consultation.
18) Moorebank East Precinct Rezoning investigation. Land use has changed considerably over the past 7 years. This land was entirely E2 – Environmental Conservation. Council to rezone to RE2 Private Recreations. Also involves the proposed Moorebank Recyclers operation, yet to be determined by the State Government and subject of numerous opposing submissions.
19) Rezoning of 1975-1985 Camden Valley Way Prestons to B2 – Local Centre. Amendment 31 of LLEP 2008. Allows the development of a full line supermarket subject to an Economic Impact Assessment.
20) Consolidation and Re-subdivision of a property in Church Road Denham Court. Not resolved due to zoning restrictions and minimum property size.
21) Truck Parking in the Liverpool LGA. Recommendations to allow Truck Parking to be limited to Industrial areas and streets of minimum widths.
22) Parking: Warren Street Service Way Car Park utilisation. Reduction of the daily fee and allow 15 minutes of free parking throughout the CBD.
23) Australia Day Awards Policy update; Maximum of six awards; Citizen of the year, Young Citizen of the Year, Fraser Environment Award, Sports award and two Mayoral Macquarie Awards.
24) Sponsorship of Western Sydney Wanderers Football Club for $25k.
25) Donations Policy; changes to Sporting Donations. $100k to the Community Donations Program (Youth, School and Community Grants) plus $15k allocated to Sporting Donations.
26) Green Grants Program. $50k is secured by Council from the State Governments WASIP program (Waste and Sustainability Improvement Payment) Donations and Sponsorship – Council provides financial assistance to the community under three categories: Community Donations (including General, School and Youth donations), Sporting Donations and Corporate Sponsorship. ($100k total). $50k allocated 2012-13, $27,425 to be allocated to 8 groups. Separate reports indicate specific grants.
27) Environment Advisory Committee; Appointment of two community representatives.
Clr Peter Harle JP